26 December 2012

Don't Watch These Videos

Enjoy these videos. Don't forget to prepare a box of tissues.

20 December 2012

Paris, Je t'aime


Payung Teduh


My currently favorite video.

Untuk Perempuan Yang Sedang Dalam Pelukan
Song & Lyric : Is

Tak terasa gelap pun jatuh
Diujung malam menuju pagi yang dingin
Hanya ada sedikit bintang malam ini
Mungkin karena kau sedang cantik-cantiknya

Lalu mataku merasa malu
Semakin dalam ia malu kali ini
Kadang juga ia takut
Tatkala harus berpapasan ditengah pelariannya

Di malam hari
Menuju pagi
Sedikit cemas
Banyak rindunya

15 December 2012

Fun Quiz


1. Open this website : 
2. Take the Personality Quiz (it's VERY short and easy, really)
3. Copy Paste the result to your blogpost.
4. Tag your friends including me
5. Have Fun! =*

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

That's mine. How about yours? ;)

06 December 2012

First Time I Met Him


He is a friend of mine. I had first time met him when my friend introduced me to him in some meeting. I was so young, clueless, and innocent back then. Let’s just say that we were the victims of a match-making fiesta by good willed relatives.

We made a conversation just to eliminate the ambush silence between us and it was me that started the conversation.

The conversation keep going and one day, it ended up on the messenger for every night and day.

He, a playful and nice person. Combine with witty and funny made him as an additional attractive spectrum color for brighten my day.

He was nice enough to find a love and nicer still to be thinking on a long term-basis with her. He never gave me a chance to ‘no’ him. I’ll never forgive him for that.

When he told me that he was in love and not with me, that’s when I think I actually began liking him.

We’d spoken once. A late night conversation, when I sat on the stairs and spoke in hushed tones, which seemed way too loud for the night. I liked his voice. I was also discreetly enjoying his smell.

He was busy trying to make a decent pattern of his life. I was young enough to dance through life and make everyone else dance. It wasn’t the right time for ‘us’.

And like all good things, we lost in touch. But any mention of a name, as his, and I would smile to myself. I like his name.

Years gone by, people came and left. The memory remained.

The next call was six years later.

The moment I picked up the phone and heard the voice on the other end, I knew it was he. Both of us were surprised.

Hesitant conversation, wary and curious too. Then leaving all bashfulness behind, a hearty conversation with both of us having so much to say and yet nothing at all.

His voice lingered in my head.

I almost like a dead deaf body when he asked me to meet somewhere. I was gasped and stuttered though.

Then, when we finally met. I kinda nervous and I really had no idea why I was so nervous. I usually could setting up my confidence in normal level as I met the new guy.

The way he fixed his eyes on me was kinda scary. In a good way. As if I couldn’t run nor hide anything. He sitting in front of me, listening. Every words I said. Fired him couples of questions like a bloody job interview, so damned intimidating.

Me, a girl who has defense as thick as china wall, opened myself to him. I feel vulnerable in front of him.

He smiled and said “Sorry for leaving you. I thought it never happened if I were with you for those years. But, you’re a stronger woman now. Not a spoiled little girl that I used to know.”

“So, I was remembered as a spoiled girl for you?”

He chuckled and rubbed my head. “In a good way, baby. From now, you’ll be just alright because I will standing behind you to support you and in front of you to protect you”.

And like always, he never gave me a chance to ‘no’ him. 

Leave Myself Behind


For every step I take towards you
You take none
And so I take two back

For every step I take towards you
I walk further away from you

03 December 2012


As I write this blog, I can't stop smiling. Hahaha.

Jadi tadi gue in charge dalam CLT (semacam fieldwork) dan klien gue dari Jepang. His name is Toshi. He is cute and funny.

Dari meeting hari Jum'at lalu di Plaza Senayan sama client. Mereka bilang akan ada orang dari head office  mereka di Jepang yang akan datang dan inspeksi CLT.

Jadi dengan SOP yang seabrek-abrek dan baru itu, akhirnya senior gue pun sampai gak jadi cuti karena ini adalah project pertama yang mendatangkan klien dari Jepang itu. If they are satisfied with us, then they will give all of the projects to us.

Lalu pada hari H pelaksanaan CLT, ternyata gue ga bisa ikut in charge karena banyak kerjaan di kantor yang harus gue selesaikan. Jadilah hanya senior gue aja. 

But then, sekitar satu jam senior gue disana, dia nelfon kalo dia dipanggil meeting sama bos untuk ke klien lainnya dan gue harus kesana menggantikan dia in charge.

Sampai di tempat CLT, gue dikenalin dengan beberapa klien yang baru gue kenal. Dua diantaranya udah ketemu pas gue meeting, dua lagi adalah orang brand management dan si Jepang ini.

Gue ngiranya orang Jepang ini akan seperti bapak-bapak, berkumis tipis, bermuka judes dan kaku. Tapi ternyata eh ternyata, orangnya masih muda kayaknya belom ada 30 tahun, ganteng, lucu dan ramaah banget.

Dia cerita kalo dia udah 7 bulan di Jakarta. Sebelumnya dia kerja di bank di Jepang dan dia bilang kalau "finance is boring" so then he choose marketing as his next job. Setelah resign, dia travelling ke beberapa kota di dunia, seperti New York, Chicago, California, dll. Dia bilang dia ga suka sama Amerika karena orangnya not friendly seperti di Indonesia dan Thailand.

Dia bilang dia suka Indonesia dan punya rencana untuk stay di Indonesia. Dia udah ke Bandung, Jogja, Bali, Manado, Banjarmasin, Aceh, dll. 

Waktu gue tanya kota mana yang paling dia suka, dia jawab Jogja. Gue kira dia bakal jawab Bali. Dia suka Jogja karena Candi Borobudur dan Prambanan. Dia juga suka Manado karena keragaman agamanya, dia suka Bandung karena udaranya sejuk dan ceweknya cantik-cantik hahaha.

Di pintu salah satu ruangan, ada peta Jabodetabek yang ditempel. Dia ngeliatin itu cukup lama, kayaknya agak menarik perhatiannya. Sampai akhirnya dia ngeh kali ya kalo gue ngeliatin, dan dia bilang "I like reading map" hahaha lucu amat ini orang zzz. Terus gue nanya, "where do you live?" Dia searching pake telunjuknya, hmm "This one. In Ke-red." and I was like he? Kered? "Yes, here!" Ooooohh Karet maksudnyee sodara-sodara. Karet Sudirman situ hahaha.

Dia nanya balik ke gue "And where Denna live?" Sampe akhirnya gue nunjuk Pamulang, dan dia bilang itu jauh banget. Dia nanya gue naik apa kalo ke kantor, dan lain-lain. Lalu kita ngobrol betapa macetnya Jakarta dan dibandingkan dengan Tokyo yang semua transportasinya serba cepat. But he likes live here, in Jakarta and about to find a girlfriend in Indonesia.

Yes, he is still single! Hahaha. Kenapa ye orang semenarik itu masih single. Serius dia lucu and fun to be with, gue aja yang stranger langsung bisa akrab sama dia. 

Dia dengan lucunya meragain cara monyet2 jalan dan ngelilingin dia waktu di Manado kalo ga salah apa di Bali ya? Lupa gue. Pokoknya gue laughing out loud, kayak temen lama haha.

I said "Hahahha Toshi you're so funny" dan dia terus melanjutkan ceritanya. Sampai pada akhirnya ada salah satu interviewer yang nyamber, mba itu nanya "Can you speak Mandarin?" Terus mereka ngobrol dikit-dikit pake bahasa Mandarinnya.

Lalu setelah mba interviewer pergi, dia randomly ngomong sendiri bahasa-bahasa asing, kayak "I love you", "Saranghaeyo", terus lebih random lagi dia nanya "What is i love you in bahasa indonesia?" gue bilang "Aku cinta kamu", "and what it is in france? ah i forgot. what it its ya?" gue juga berpikiri keras, gue lupa banget padahal gue tau. 

Akhirnya setelah mengumpulkan memori-memori dengan kekuatan bulan, gue inget juga, yaitu "Tu me manques" hahaha. Terus gue ajarin dia juga beberapa bahasa prancis yang gue tau. Jadi kalo misalkan dia suka sama people in France, dia akan bilang itu ahahaha.

Setelah itu pas di pantry, banyak interviewer pada antre untuk ngambil product yang mau ditest. Mereka pada bilang "aduh harus sabar ya ini antrenya lama", lalu si Toshi mengulang-ngulang kata sabar itu. 

Gue sampe pengen ketawa. "Do you know what is sabar?" karena dia memang bisa sedikit-sedikit bahasa Indonesia dengan pelafalan yang sangat amat lucu hahaha. Gue bilang "sabar is be patient", "Ooooo oke sabar sabar" kata dia, hahhahaha. "You know new vocab ya", "Yaaa, I will remember it, sabar sabar".

Pas mau pulang tadinya mau gue anter sampe dia nemu taksi, tapi di depan, dia bilang katanya dia mau naik ojek aja. Dia suka naik ojek karena cepet nyampe dan ga macet. 

Dia juga ga minta ditemenin dan malah bilang "It is oke if you stay here. I will take a walk and get the ojek over there. It's okey, Denna"

Yaudah karena dia maunya begitu, akhirnya gue salaman. Nanya apakah dia besok akan dateng lagi, dan dia bilang akan nanya ke bosnya dulu, whether he will come or not tomorrow.

I feel like I just met my new (best)friend and I wish we could meet again in another time.

Thank you, Toshi. You really made my day :D